We cover the entire country
We offer wedding filming services for our clients in cities such as Kalisz, Olsztyn, Toruń, Gdańsk, Częstochowa, Katowice, and their surroundings. We invite you to contact us and explore the special offers we have prepared just for you.
Our wedding films are professional recordings of the unique wedding ceremony and amazing wedding receptions. After skillful editing during post-production, they become compact time capsules ready to transport us back to those events, allowing us to relive those emotions and feelings, as well as many new ones. Using state-of-the-art equipment and the best optics, our films are clear, saturated with beautiful depth of field, all in the highest possible UHD resolution, which is modern 4K technology, allowing for an entirely new level of quality. We have an arsenal of accessories used creatively during filming, including steadicams, which allow for smooth and stable shots even during wild dances on the dance floor or other dynamic scenes. The camera crane allows us to show a scene from a completely new perspective by raising the camera to a height of even several meters, gaining a shot that would be impossible without it in a given location, such as a church.
Our qualified and experienced wedding cameraman also holds a UAVO pilot’s license, allowing him to pilot a drone, an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with advanced filming equipment. We use these skills to create original, unique, and unusual aerial shots, complementing both the wedding ceremony with beautiful landscapes and the heavenly perspective that takes every viewer’s breath away. Every project presents new possibilities that we use to the fullest, sometimes even exceeding them, creating ingenious solutions. The fluidity of the film is measured by frames per second, which we can increase up to 8 times compared to standard, for example, to achieve a beautiful Slow Motion effect, which works great when showering the newlyweds with rice or flowers.
Wedding filming is not just about documenting the event. We are not ordinary reporters who record an event. We are artists whose task is to create a work that best reflects your memories, emotions, and provides something entirely new. Additionally, we can provide engagement and wedding photo sessions, wedding invitations, or thank-you videos for parents. We have traveled with our clients to distant and nearby places, capturing their beauty, which still enriches their wedding film today.
Contact us to learn more about our offer and choose the option that’s best for you. Our goal is primarily the satisfaction of our customers.